Below in chronological order you will find the reviews from our guests.
If you stayed in our apartments or villas, please, leave feedback that might be useful for future guests. This can be done at the page of certain property, at the very bottom. Describe what you liked in the chosen accommodation and what you did not; do not forget to specify the time of your stay, the name is indicated at will. Also, if you wish, you can attach a photo / and a small size (from your holiday, apartment, etc.).
Some reviews are copied from other sources (FB page, airbnb accounts etc).
From etnamare on Panoramic apartment
Go to comment2018/04/02 at 3:20 pm
From etnamare on Yacht cruise
Go to comment2017/09/02 at 12:54 am
From etnamare on Panoramic apartment
Go to comment2016/11/16 at 3:25 am
From etnamare on Panoramic apartment
Go to comment2016/11/16 at 3:23 am
From etnamare on Panoramic apartment
Go to comment2016/11/16 at 3:15 am
From etnamare on Apartment «Rosella»
Go to comment2016/11/16 at 3:00 am
From etnamare on Panoramic apartment
Go to comment2016/11/14 at 5:14 pm
From etnamare on Apartment «Rosella»
Go to comment2016/11/14 at 5:09 pm
From etnamare on Panoramic apartment
Go to comment2016/11/05 at 5:08 am
From etnamare on Panoramic apartment
Go to comment2016/11/05 at 5:06 am
From etnamare on Apartment San Lorenzo (1)
Go to comment2016/11/05 at 5:00 am
From etnamare on Panoramic apartment
Go to comment2016/10/25 at 12:16 am
From etnamare on Villa of Mythos
Go to comment2016/10/25 at 12:03 am