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Italy is beginning to quit quarantine.

Recently all of Italy received new updated directives regarding the lockdown associated with the coronavirus epidemic, the so-called “phase 2” rule. In his speech, Prime Minister Conte announced the main standings of the new regime from May 4 to 17, 2020:

1. Movements are allowed to visit relatives, but within the current region, any travel out of the region is allowed, as was before, only for medical or work purposes.

2. Finally green parks are been opened for walking, subject to the distance and wearing masks. At the same time, the right to open public “villas” and parks remains with to the mayors of the cities (means, they may not open the park if it is impossible to comply with all necessary sanitary safety measures in it).

3. You can go out for sports also far away from home, subject to a distance of 2 meters if doing active sports. If with a regular walk = 1 meter.

4. From May 4 restaurants will open, but only in “takeaway” mode.

5. Wholesalers and builders are opening.

6. A funeral is permitted with a maximum number of participants of 15 people. (before that, all the dead were buried almost alone, and this was the one of the saddest sides of Italian quarantine).

From May 18, exhibitions and museums will open, but the global opening of the service sector from bars to beauty salons is scheduled for June 1 2020.
Schools, kindergartens, gatherings, events, free movement within the country are also prohibited. It is also too much early to talk about country borders opening and resuming the tourism businesses , most likely this year will already be closed for inbound tourism.
Sicily is currently the region with the lowest prevalence of coronavirus spread in the Italy – an index of RT 0.34 according to research by the Bruno Kessler Institute, Trento. Which means, in future Sicily may become one of the safest regions of Italy, of course, if providing all safety standards will be observing and with accordance of the tactics of containing the growth of the infection curve.

Coronavirus postive cases growth curve in Sicily
Category: About Sicily, News

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